Groups in Czech Republic
Sesshin 15.5.2023 - 21.5.2023 with Gert Lüderitz
Place: Kolin monastery, 40 km from Prague
Registration is possible from now via Mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
More information in this » PDF
We are a small group mostly around Prague In the Czech republic. Our main practice center is Kolinský klášter (Kolin monastery), a 30 min train ride from Prague, where we organize a session once a year (in the past years with Gert Lüderitz).
Kolín monastery is located in center of town Kolin and in the care of nonprofit organization which organize spiritual exercises, meditations and other events. More at:
Twice daily Mediation sittings over zoom:
At 08:00 & 20:00 h daily. The link to join is:
Pw: Maranatha
Some details and rules
1 sitting 25 mins, bell to start and to end meditation, bow, leave.
- Remain muted
- Join, leave whenever
- Video on/off doesn't matter
- How often you join doesn’t matter
- (No registration needed)
In addition, we also sit with local groups doing contemplative and meditation-adjacent practices such as sadhana from Anthony D'Mello.
We are always looking to expand our offerings and look forward to having more regular sittings, zazenkai's and sesshins in the near future (Your ideas are welcome!). You are very welcome to sit with us, both online and in person.
Information and Registration
Šimon Grimmich
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.