Bodhi Zendo

Zen training centre in South India

Bodhi Zendo is a Zen training center in South India’s Perumal Hills and a meeting point of spiritual interested people coming from all over the world. It was founded by P. AMA Samy, the first Indian Zen Master. Since 2022, it has been run by Zen Master Fr. Cyril Mathew, the successor of AMA Samy.

The Bodhi Zendo meditation center is open to all who practise Zen, or who wish to experience it. Spiritual seekers regardless of their religious background can spend some days or weeks in silence and meditation, and experiencing the sisterhood and brotherhood of the Sangha.

At Bodhi Zendo visitors will find a beautiful Zen garden with wonderful panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. There is also a considerable library for self-study with literature on Zen, Buddhism, Christianity and other religions, also on Philosophy, Psychology and other subjects.

Bodhi Zendo offers Zen Sesshins (intensive Zen retreat) twice a month. They are given either in the form of Mini-Sesshin (3 days) or Full Sesshin (5 days).

You are also most welcome to stay at Bodhi Zendo during the non-Sesshin days (normal days) and practice Zen with the Daily Schedule. Bodhi Zendo offers Zen Meditations every day throughout the year. During your stay at Bodhi Zendo you are expected to follow the day’s schedule (see below) and follow the rhythm of life here.

Please check out more details on the following pages: